Nursing Informatics

  Definition of Nursing Informatics
    Nursing Informatics is a specialty which combines nursing science with multiple knowledge and analytical research. According to the American Nursing Association, its aim is the identification, definition, management and communication of data , information , knowledge and wisdom within the nursing practice, it is the science and practice that integrates nursing, its information and knowledge with the Information and communication technology to promote the health of individuals , families and communities all over the world.
The overarching purpose of nurse computer sciences is to promote the quality and protection of patient care through electronic health care data deployment and assessment. 
Collaboration in the health and technological sectors has opened up new fields of patient care, streamlining from computer-based clinical reports to fast medical test . These processes help medical staff but also enhance care for patients and even save lives at times. There can be no understatement of this impact.

Nursing Informatics as a career
  Nurses informaticians work as IT developers, educators , researchers, chief nursing officers, chief information officers, software engineers, executive consultants, policy developers and business owners to improve healthcare. Several main work areas:
  • Representation of concepts and standards for supporting evidence-based research and education
    Standards for data and communication to create an interoperable national data infrastructure
  • Methodological analysis for spreading new ideas
  • Presentation of information and recovery approaches for supporting safe patient care
  • Knowledge and communication systems for all care facilities to respond to interprofessional workflow requirements
  • Vision and governance for the development, design and implementation of communication and information technology
  • Description of government policy that support good health
The evaluation and promotion of healthcare technology whether in software or in hardware is a high level task. This ensures that the nurses who use the service will continue to be prepared, qualified and assisted. It is also common to manage projects for clinical care, because you have the clinical and technical experience needed in order to determine the criteria for success.

How does Nursing Informatics differ from Traditional Nursing
Though informatics and traditional nursing have the same roots, they differ in how they actually impact the care of people.
Traditional nurses find themselves face to face with patients, using software and hardware to keep track of their health status. Nursing IT specialists are working towards these same patient outcomes by incorporating nursing practices with information and communication technologies to establish secure and reliable quality of care.


All nursing school retrieved from

American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA) retrieved from

Healthcare Information and Management System Society (HIMSS) (2019,May 14) retrieved from

Nursing school Hub retrieved from

Tietze M. Nursing informatics retrieved from

