Lessons learnt

Lessons Learned 
I learned a lot about nursing informatics in the course of this class and how to integrate them into nursing practice. I have a deep understanding of how computers not only impact nursing, but also our lives generally. Initially, I think I took technology and computers for granted, because they were always around me, but I understand how much they do for our society now.
In this course we learnt about computer system, networks, internet and professional networking, EHR (electronic health record), healthcare information system and telehealth and ehealth.
In electronic health record EHR I learnt that it is a patient's paper chart digital version. EHRs are patient-centered records that provide authorized users with information immediately and securely. While an EHR includes the medical history and health history of patients, an EHR program is designed to go beyond traditional clinical data gathered in the office of a doctor and to provide a wider view of patient care. EHRs are central to health information systems and can:
Ø  The patient history includes symptoms, medicines, recovery plans, date of vaccination, allergies, x-rays and laboratory tests, as well as test results.
Ø  Provides access to evidence-based tools that physicians can use to make patient decisions.
Ø  Simplify and optimize the workflow of providers.
Telehealth is also a topic I learnt a lot from it provides a wide variety of tools and approaches to provide virtual health, medical care and education. Telehealth is a set of approaches to improve treatment and education rather than a particular program. Telehealth also means the distribution by electronic information and telecommunications technologies of health services and information. It provides treatment, therapy, updates, education, training, supervision and remote admissions for long-term patients and clinicians.
Personally, I have learnt a lot from this nursing informatics and it has educated me to work in the world of nursing, with new technology and documented practice, nursing is constantly changing. The nurses must now keep up with these new modifications.
 Mayo clinic staff retrieved(2020,May 15th ) from https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/consumer-health/in-depth/telehealth/art-20044878
Rouse, Margaret retrieved from https://searchhealthit.techtarget.com/definition/electronic-health-record-EHR
