College experience so far

This is my about my experience so far at the intuition .
I'm  doing my bachelors in nursing at the University of the Southern Caribbean, I'm currently in my first year .I must say that university is no joke, my transition from secondary school to university was very tough, but I manage daily to push through.
    When I just started going to USC I encounter a lot of difficulties, sometimes I felt like quitting because I didn't have the right mind set or maybe I just had a very laid back mind set, where I thought stuff could be done whenever I wanted. My first semester at the institution I failed a course and that really put me in an extremely dark place I felt at that time like I wasn't cut out for the college life. My down fall during that period was procrastination, I would always delay stuff for a later time and never get to doing it, things like studying or assignments they were always pushed back by me for other unimportant stuff.
    Maybe I still had the secondary school mentality at that point of time, but that first semester taught me a lot. It taught me to never procrastinate, try to get stuff done before due dates and always make time for studies .These things will surely help you through college and strenghten you in life. 
    My second semester I made a drastic improvement in my new courses, because I changed all the laid back ways I had in the first semester, I managed to past each class, I passed those classes with good grades and I also brought up my GPA. I was so excited and realised that anything you put your mind to can and will be done by the grace of God.
I'm currently in the last semester of my freshmen year, it started off a little tough but I'm determined to pass all my classes. I trust and believe that God will see me through this semester with an happy ending.
