
Welcome to my Blog!

HI GUYS, my name is Chenesse Trim and in my blog you would get to read about my journey of becoming an aspiring nurse, and also maybe gain some knowledge on what is Nursing Informatics and how it benefits medical workers.

Nursing Informatics

  Definition of Nursing Informatics      Nursing Informatics is a specialty which combines nursing science with multiple knowledge and analytical research. According to the American Nursing Association, its aim is the identification, definition, management and communication of data , information , knowledge and wisdom within the nursing practice, it is the science and practice that integrates nursing, its information and knowledge with the Information and communication technology to promote the health of individuals , families and communities all over the world. The overarching purpose of nurse computer sciences is to promote the quality and protection of patient care through electronic health care data deployment and assessment.  Collaboration in the health and technological sectors has opened up new fields of patient care, streamlining from computer-based clinical reports to fast medical test . These processes help medical staff but also enhance care for patients and even save lives

About my experiences in college so far

  This is my about my experience so far at the intuition .      I'm  doing my bachelors in nursing at the University of the Southern Caribbean, I'm currently in my first year .I must say that university is no joke, my transition from secondary school to university was very tough, but I manage daily to push through.     When I just started going to USC I encounter a lot of difficulties, sometimes I felt like quitting because I didn't have the right mind set or maybe I just had a very laid back mind set, where I thought stuff could be done whenever I wanted. My first semester at the institution I failed a course and that really put me in an extremely dark place I felt at that time like I wasn't cut out for the college life. My down fall during that period was procrastination, I would always delay stuff for a later time and never get to doing it, things like studying or assignments they were always pushed back by me for other unimportant stuff.     Maybe I still had the se

About Us

Hi, my name is Chenesse Trim, I'm eighteen years of age. I live in Laventille with my mom, I'm the youngest of two girls. My hobby is dancing. I enjoy socializing with friends and family. What inspired me to do nursing was my mother, in growing up I saw the passion she had for nursing she's a geriatric nurse, I admire the way she handled her patients the love she showed them and the time she put into her work, because that's something that she loves. Working with her helped me develop a passion with caring for people. She inspired me to start nursing and I plan on walking in her footsteps.